Opinionated View: Argo CD Vs Terraform for Kubernetes Deployments

Opinionated View: Argo CD Vs Terraform for Kubernetes Deployments


1 min read


ArgoCD offers several compelling advantages over Terraform for Kubernetes deployments , specially when managing application workloads and maintaining cluster state.

GitOps-Centric Approach:

  • Automatic state reconciliation: Argo CD continuously monitors Git repository and automatically syncs Kubernetes clusters with declared configurations , eliminating terraform apply as terraform requires explicit execution to detect and apply changes , thus preventing configurations drift.

Kubernetes-Native Advantages:

  • Native Manifest Support: Works directly with raw YAML/JSON , helm , kustomize and custom plugins without schema translations , while Terraform Kubernetes provider requires resource-specific schemas and struggles with CRDs.

  • Scalability: Designed to manage multiple clusters and repositories simultaneously , leveraging Kubernetes native scalability.

Operational Efficiency:

  • Real Time Visibility: Provides Web UI for deployment status , configuration drift and synchronization .

  • Rollback Capabilities: Instant rollback to any git commit version without complex state Manipulation.

  • Multi-Tenancy: Native RBAC and project isolation for teams workflows.

Security & Maintenance:

  • Reduced attack surface: Pull based architecture eliminates need for cluster external deployment servers while terraform typically requires push based access credentials.

  • Day-2 operations: Built in features for blue/greeen deployments , canary rollout etc.